Jess is a shopping loving gal who loves animals, her little grey kitten, the beach, frangipanis, jogging and is a dedicated teacher.
The Prada bag held the cake and the shopping tag was personalised to Jess.
Some sand was added for her beach love as well as a wool loving kitty, a hole digging puppy, a towel with a Puma sneaker and a little chalkboard.
Her celebration was held at the Deckhouse Woolwich. A great venue for a beautiful lunch or dinner or perfect as a function venue!
トリーバーチ バッグはガバッと開いて小物をガンガン入れられて、すっごく便利、沢山の荷物を詰め込んでも形崩れなどしない。さらにスリップポケット、内側にはファスナー付ポケットと携帯電話ポケット二つが配置され、収納力は申し分なし、整理も簡単、面倒嫌いな女性にオススメ。tory burchは実用性だけじゃなく、デザインもしっかり考慮してある、シンプルなデザインから華やかなデザインまで全部取り揃え。