
Room to Read Wine Gala 2011 Cake Donations

I have been involved with the global charity Room to Read for a number of years now and I am constantly uplifted by the wonderful work this charity performs. For more information on this wonderful cause, click here.
This year, I again donated a Blissfully Sweet Cake Voucher into their silent auction and to place as a display on the auction table, I put together a very simple cake tower.
This past month has been one of the busiest ever (seems that I need to say this EVERY month now, but fortunately it is very true!). Anyway .... this past month left no time for much at all, and I did initially plan to have more as a display, but alas this simple tower had to do!
The tower did its job though .... on the evening the Wine Gala as a whole raised $892,000!
So many more libraries and schools as well as scholarships are now underway.

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