
50th Wedding Anniversary Cake

A lovely friend from Liam's school asked me to make a special celebration cake for her parent's 50th wedding anniversary!

She wanted something special, elegant and personalised to them.

We decided on a neutral, gold toned colour scheme with a bride and groom topper. The bride and groom became even more special when I matched their hair colours/styles, I used a 50/60s style wedding dress and a hint to their favourite things. Merle loves watching movies and Paul loves tinkering and is a great handyman!

I am very proud of my first peony! This is an open version and I kept it ivory to go with the colour scheme - but for a first time effort - have to say I was impressed with myself! :o)

The message is handpainted in edible gold.
Merle and Paul. I loved the Jackie O feel to her dress!

Their favourite things - his weathered tool belt and her old VCR tapes, remote control and obligeratory box of popcorn!

Paul was very distinguished with his 3 piece suit with red rose!

My open peony! Room for improvement - definitely! Happy with first attempt - oh yeah!

Congratulations Merle & Paul!

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