
Latte Vanilla Bean 85th Birthday Cake

My wonderful mother-in-law turned 85 last week and we celebrated on the weekend with a beautiful home cooked meal and a cake ... as we do!

My MIL is not a fan of oversweet food, so I wanted to make something simple that she would enjoy.

I get so much inspiration from food bloggers world wide, but one of my favourites is Sweetapolita! Rosie is a genius at baking and food photography! I saw this recipe and knew it would be perfect for my MIL. Visit Sweetapolita here.

The cake is a vanilla bean cake, layered and filled with the most decadent latte and vanilla bean scented swiss meringue buttercream! That SMBC is OMG gobbsmackingly good!

Loved the vanilla bean flecks and that latte colour!

Ready to serve on the night.

Oh yeah - it was good!

My MIL with the grand kids! What you see here is a very typical shot!

My MIL is her usual non-plussed, nothing phases her self, my niece and nephew are gorgeous and photo ready and then there are my boys!

Liam being a ning nong as usual, Ben being the idolising little brother and Noah thinking it is all hilarious with his tongue poking out! YEP.... typical!

Happy Birthday Mum!


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