
A Sewing Basket Cake for my Favourite Sewing Lady

It was a weekend of birthday cakes for besties!

This cake was actually supposed to be given a few weeks before, however, with tooooo much on, it had to be shelved and what better time than a joint celebration with her gorgeous son!

I originally had something else in mind, but with a workload that was crazy I needed to put the brakes on .... I will keep that up my sleeve for next year!

The cake was still rushed though and am not completely happy with the result, but my perfectionism needed to be set aside. The basket weave was a last minute thing and I think in the end, I needed to put this cake together in less than an hour (the little toppers were already made) .... so with that in mind, I suppose I am happy with the result!

I think the premise of the cake is self explanatory, but as well as being the best sewer I know, she is also one of the best people I know - so this cake was made with alot of love!

All decorations are completely handmade and edible. The basket lid is fondant covered styro.

The cake is a layered chocolate and caramel mud cake with dark chocolate ganache.

Some of the embossed buttons (my favourite part) and some scissors.

Pin cushion and thimble. I had wanted to pipe the name on, but no time left. Had to suffice with it handpainted!

Happy Birthday Karen! xx

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