
Liam's 8th Birthday - Part I

It is official - my big boy turned 8 last Friday!

The celebrations began in earnest and it was to be a weekend of celebrations - this is Part 1! (Part 2 to come soon!)

So - as he is a self confessed lego tragic - lego was the theme of the festivities for the whole weekend!

The weekend started on Friday with cupcakes going to school. Liam did say that he would like everyone in his class to have a little legoman on top of their cupcake - I told him NO! He of course would have one - but everyone else got something a little more ..... simple!

Ahhhh ..... the epectations!

My boy with his special cupcake!

The "L" for Liam cupcakes were simple L imprinted rounds on top of a bigger round that was embossed with the actual lego boards!

My little boy is 8 {sob}

Onto the evening ..... just had our family over for cake and coffee and so I wanted to make something that I remembered from my childhood - simple fairycakes! These were soooo divine - vanilla bean sponge cakes filled with organic strawberry jam and chantilly cream! Heaven in a cupcake paper!

My birthday boy and his biggest fan - his little brother Ben! How much do I love these boys!!!!
Happy 8th Birthday Liam - mum loves you to the moon & back!


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