
Vogue Cover for a Stylish 50th Birthday

One of my very lovely loyal customers organised this cake for her friends 50th birthday.

Carolyn is a very talented stylist and her besties had arranged a very nice intimate dinner in a private room at Longrain.

They wanted a cake that was Carolyn and a Vogue cover seemed perfect.

I designed the complete cover and my lovely client provided all the relevant tag lines.

The cake is chocolate mud cake with chocolate ganache.

The entire cake is edible.

Even the spine was personalised.

I like to incorporate the birthday message in fun ways. I knew they were going to Longrain for dinner, so I decided to have the message come out from a fortune cookie ..... how fortunate!

Happy 50th Carolyn!

I got the loveliest message from Carolyn the day after. She loved her cake that much that I am now making her a complete cake replica out of styrofoam that she can keep! Now that is love!

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