
Mother's Group Birthday Bash!

This was a last minute creation for my pre-natal mothers group joint birthday bash (for our first borns). We are all still together and going strong - best group of girls ever!
I did have hopes of making little figurines of the kids to sit on top of their pillows - but time and a week full of orders quickly changed that.
Next best thing, make the picnic table and then make some little kid face cupcakes to go with. The kids loved it anyway ... all that matters really!

Pillow places at the picnic table for all our 6 year olds - Imogen, Caitlin, Zara, Massimo & Liam.

A close up of the picnic table treats.

Lets blow the candle out.

and the little cupcake faces.

The kids enjoying the cake ... love the smiles.
Happy birthday to our sweet and fantastic kids!

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