
Cowboys & Indians Birthday Cake

The day had come and it was time to celebrate my beautiful Ben's 2nd birthday.
So, as everyone who knows me well knows that I do everything in themes, the theme was Cowboys & Indians.
Wanted Posters were sent to his little buddies to make sure that would come and visit Ben's 2nd Western Saloon for some real cowboy fun!
It was a perfect day with glorious weather, fantastic company and lots of western cakes.

the teepee and the cupcakes

Indian Ben and Cowboy Liam check everything out from the teepee.

cupcakes lined up for a shoot out!

the log fire kept the teepee warm and someone forgot to put their boots away!

waiting for cake cutting!

and here we are getting ready to cut the cake with a just woken up birthday boy!
Happy Birthday to my wonderful and beautiful boy Ben!
Already looking forward to your 3rd birthday!!
Love Mum xx

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