
Cakes & More at Christmas Carnivale

More than a few months in the planning, but the day finally came for the bi-annual Christmas Carnivale for Liam's school, St Charles.
Myself and the delightful Lisa Anderson ran the cakes stall, Cakes & More, and we killed it!!
Not only did we have a dedicated staff of beautiful mums who helped on the day as well in the months leading up, we were blown away by the generous baking donations of our wonderful school community.

setting up on the day

I am Cakes and Lisa is More and together we are one great team ... she is the best!

Even more beautiful women. Every single woman has a small empire to run (their own family) and yet they generously gave so much of their time on the day - it was great!!

100 Blissfully Sweet cupcakes donated to the cause

The Blissfully Sweet cakes section

Our homemade bottled goods walked out the door

as did our homemade Limoncello gifts

Setting up on the day

& ready to go. Look at that fantastic display.
A great day, great women & the most successful cake stall to date!!
yeahhhhhh us!!
Bring on 2011!

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