

Hot Air Balloon Birthday Cake for my Little Ben!!

My beautiful little boy Ben turned 3 last week and anyone who knows Ben knows that he LOVES balloons ........ and coathangers! Go figure about the coathangers???
We had a little family celebration on the day (with a park party this weekend) and so there had to be a cake!
I thought maybe just a few balloons on the cake, but then the mind started whirring! What better idea than to have Ben in a balloon!!
His face lit up like the 4th of July when he saw his cake and knew straight away that the boy in the basket was him ...... God I love that smile!
I am looking forward to more smiles on Saturday with his REAL cake!

My Ben in his balloon with his coathangers at arms reach!

Up, up and away!

The smile!

and the ensuing slobbery blowing out of the candles!
Happy 3rd Birthday darling boy!!
Looking forward to many more birthdays and cakes to come.
Love "The Mama"


Anonymous said...

This i an amazing cake just fantastic.... Your very clever and talanted.... Belinda Ghazawy

Blissfully Sweet said...

Thanks Belinda xx

tmalone said...

What an amazing cake!How did you get the balloon cake to stay suspended or is that all cake?

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