

A Vintage inspired cake for a vintage lady!

One of my dearest friends celebrated her birthday at the beginning of the month.
Liana embodies everything vintage or classic to me.
She appreciates the small things, has immaculate taste in everything old that is new again and above all ..... she is the most perfect friend you could ask for!
So what cake to make?
I was looking through my cupboard of crafty supplies and came across a container of old buttons that I had (knew they would come in handy for something). I loved their texture and decided to make some fondant vintage buttons. The cake had to have lavender, her favourite colour and had to have some flower on there. No other choice but my all time favourite ... the peony.
Warning .... this is my first attempt at a peony and I am not quite up to scratch in my floral artistry. However, for a first attempt, I think my open peony turned out well ! Next time I would make the petals thinner. The wiring of all the petals together ... darn hard!
I liked this vintage cake for my gorgeous friend!
I liked how it looked on my mirrored and vintage look cake stand.
This weekend was the most humid EVER. We had a full week of almost 40 degree temperatures and it was horrible, even with the air-con cranked to the fullest!
Basically I could not smooth the fondant as much as I would've liked ... but she is Mother Nature!

My lavender touched peony.

My shimmery vintage buttons.

At the end of the day, friends are people we choose to be in our life!
I thank God everyday for the wonderful people that warm my heart every single day!
Happy Birthday Liana!


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