The time of year that our family always waits for - birthday season! All 3 of our boys birthdays fall within 6 weeks of one another and my eldest son Liam is the first cab off the rank!
The theme was decided almost a year ago {he is a planner}!! He really is a LEGO tragic so it really came as no surprise!
His past birthdays have been bigger affairs, but this year it was time to cut down to small numbers, so he got to invite 11 of his buddies from school. I personally loved this, as now I had the chance to focus on the small party planning details that I love so much.
I decided to try my hand at a LEGO themed dessert table and I was thrilled with how it turned out! As with everything else at the party - it was LEGO themed all the way!
One thing that I wanted to do was make this party something that was not OTT or expensive in anyway .... I think we forget they are kids and it is about them after all! So the only expensive thing on the day - was the time that I lovingly put into everything!
Have a look through now and enjoy Liam's LEGO birthday experience!
I was overjoyed and extremely thrilled to have Liam's party featured on the one and only Amy Atlas blog! See the feature here! Amy is the queen of dessert tables, so there is no higher praise! This is my first shot at a table and to have it featured ... well I feel a bit chuffed!

Liam, of course, was the Lego Master and was personalised with his name and "8" on the back. Ben was the Lego Apprenctice and Noah was a Lego Novice. Cannot forget about the Lego Mum also!
Now we have nice shirts as a momento of the day!

I wanted to keep the lines simple and block orientated, just like LEGO really! So to keep costs down to a minimum, I made my own display stands out of styrofoam blocks covered in bright paper. It worked a treat.
Loved this cake and now we get to look at it forever more! So we got our cake and kept it too!
Legoman cake pops. Still not perfect, but I will practice for the next 2 parties! I loved how they looked set up. I put m&ms in small glass jars and then had the cake pops in there. Each guest got their own individual jar - I think this was their favourite part!
Legoman head cookies. These cookies were given to Liam's guests as a thank you. I loved their friendly little smiles!
Continuing the legoman head theme! I stacked up my coloured styro blocks to make a cupcake tower. I kept the cupcake toppers simple, because lets face it, they look at it and then it is demolished! So the little legoman heads were simple and placed on embossed lego cupcake tops. The cupcakes were all vanilla cakes with vanilla buttercream.
Personalised drink bottles. I used my printables to embellish these little glass drink bottles. The lego power drink (apple/raspberry cordial) was the first thing they demolished and my drinks dispenser got a good workout!
Lego jelly. OK - a friend lent me her lego jelly mould and NO success! Tried first time and it all stuck, tried then to freeze it and it unmoulded fine and then defrosting - it was not pretty! So my little square ceramic dishes kind of looked like lego, so I filled these up and displayed them on different size pillars - effective! I stamped LIAM on the wooden spoons!
I made these printables for the THANK YOU chocolates. These lego treat bags are simple, but hid a little treasure inside.
Let me prefice this to say that the design is a Ron-Ben Israel design .... well if you are going to try and replicate, you may as well do it from THE master!
I came across the image of his cake late last year and fell in cake love as did Liam! He looked at me with big eyes and said I want THAT cake, and I thought, so do I! So, by knowing that we would only have a small party, and this is by no means a small cake, I decided to make a "faux" cake and make it from stryofoam.
In saying this ..... this cake took AGES to make! To ensure that it had the straight lines of LEGO and it all fit together - a small feat! The legoman on top is all carved and he is as shiny as a new LEGO Ninjago!

Each guest got their own mini lego set, a lego mini-figure, coloured bubble set and mini-m&ms. They also took home a chocolate and a cookie.
My favourite part, the LEGO photobooth! I wanted to have something that I could take photos in front of and be able to use these as thank you to Liam's friends. They had a lot of fun taking photos ..... and there were also silly photos taken, but some of them were just plain scary!
Liam and I had soooo much fun organising his LEGO party! He really loves the details as much, or if not a little more than me!

Happy 8th Birthday my darling boy xxxxx
All printables, cake, desserts, design, shirts, decorations - made by Blissfully Sweet!
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