If we are lucky, we meet people, or talk to people, or hear a story, that touch you. This is one of those stories.
Kristie contacted me a little while ago to talk about her eldest daughter's upcoming birthday as well as to get some ideas for her just about to be born baby's Christening (yes, she is organised). In the midst of these discussions, Kristie spoke to me about a very special 3rd birthday that she was holding for her son Lachlan.
About 6 months ago, while going about usually mummy things, Kristie was loving being pregnant with her 3rd child and life was great. One night while resting at home with her family, her son Lachlan was resting on her lap when he all of a sudden stopped breathing. After, as you can imagine, a very agonised time to get to the hospital, a new piece of machinery saved Lachlan's life. The machinery was provided to the hospital by the wonderful Humpty Foundation.
Everyday, Kristie thanks God for the wonderful work that Humpty does and is now a advocate for the Foundation.
Kristie decided to do what she could, so she planned her son's 3rd birthday and in lieu of presents, everyone was asked to make a donation to the Humpty Foundation.
The party was a roaring success and Lachlan had so much fun, and Kristie was overjoyed to see her son HEALTHY, happy and also happy to be able to help with wonderful cause.
With the help of Lachlan's generous family and friends, the birthday party raised pver $3,500 for the charity which will go towards the purchase of much needed medical equipment.
For more information on the Humpty Foundation click here. While you are there and if you can, make a donation and make a difference.
Onto the cake!
A special cake was commissioned for such a special event and it was to take pride of place on the dessert table that Kristie had organised.
This construction themed cake was made and it was a HIT! All the objects are handmade. The digger and truck and carved and covered styrofoam. Everything else is completely edible.
Original design credit: The Cupcake Gallery

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